
We provide a custom insulated box that fits perfectly the following:

  • One-gallon tub of Mighty Microbes Classic or A2 probiotic. This is frozen as freezing is okay; the vast majority of the microbes will reanimate – heat is the enemy, not cold.
  • Two small bags of Mighty Microbe Meal (two zip lock bags with 1/2 cup in each – this is about 48 teaspoon-sized servings). Perfect for a complete rebiosis plan. Even with the best offense, we still need a good defense.
  • Two frozen ice packs
  • One 12″ x 12″ x 8″ – internally insulated (1.5″ on ALL six sides) box. The shipping weight is just under 11 pounds.
  • This letter of explanation, instructions, and the standard sheet of microbes included in that batch.

Do not try to ship internationally; dairy won’t clear customs.

The above shipping kit and freezing service are $50 plus whatever gallon option you choose. Shipping is included. To order, check the shipping box on the order page:

We will coordinate with you a pickup time.

Note: Dealing with shipping trillions of microbes is a complex game—temperature, humidity, pH, motion, etc. In rare cases, it may arrive somewhat expanded but assure them it’s still safe to eat.

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